Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Write Stuff

Back to work after a couple of well deserved days rest (which is the story I'm sticking to).

The DVDs delivered, we caught up with various colleagues. A few leads were dangled in front of us as Work Buddy was pulled aside to discuss some projects that may come our way. When I talked to an actress about possible future work of my own she quickly scribbled down her telephone number.

Although we decided to be on our way soon after, it still took at least 40 minutes to say our goodbyes to everyone. Although, oddly enough, not to not one of the first people we saw, who described Work Buddy as "trouble" and me as "more trouble".

Now, here's the thing...

In the closing stages of the edit last week, I had glanced at the blog's About Me and laughed at my description 'Writer who got sidetracked...' With the current projects virtually done, I can finally get back to writing.

Now that the TV drama Work Buddy originated is getting some interest, the pilot needs a final pass, and the second episode has to be finished. In concert, the overall package needs the supplementary material finalised.

For the past eight or nine months, Work Buddy and I have been throwing story ideas around. In total there are just over a dozen projects that need finalised treatments. And a couple of scripts of my own that deserve another pass. And then there are the book proposals.

I guess that's enough to be getting on with. That'll get people pointing and saying, "Hey, there's one of them writers!"

All I have to do now is figure out which project to start on first.


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