Thursday, December 07, 2006

Blown Away

My mother called to see if I’m still in one piece. I played along with her, suspecting that either she’s finally gone dotty or there’s considerably less sherry left in the bottle this evening.

Then I flicked back to the BBC news and figured out what she was going on about: tornado hits London. Which looked pretty intense. And pretty unusual. Own up, who asked Santa for Twister?

Except it happened in Brondesbury Park/Kensal Rise. Which is at least ten or twelve kilometres due south of me. It may have an NW postcode but really, just west of Central London, Kensal Rise really isn’t North West London. Though I've got an NW postcode I’m as north as you can get in the city before you stumble upon fields and trees. And just a touch to the west.

Still, it’s nice that the old dear’s showing some modicum of concern, however geographically challenged she is. (Although blame really should be laid on the doorstep of the muppet that divvied the city up into the different postal districts). And it meant that I got to drop more hints that I’ll be too busy to pop down for Christmas. Sweet.


At 1:23 pm, Blogger potdoll said...

Aw. hope she won't be on her own at Christmas.

At 1:38 pm, Blogger Riddley Walker said...

What I love is that we've had to dig out another word for "wind that goes around in a spiral really fast and fucks things up", as hurricane and typhoon have been nabbed.

Plus, as Brits, we don't want to make too much of a fuss over it, so we find a word that means "something bad, but not as bad as some people have had". Especially if it's to do with the weather.

Let's face it, for an Englishman to comment that it's 'getting a little breezy' probably means that the Earth has been blown out of the solar system and is heading with some speed toward another galaxy...

At 2:17 pm, Blogger Good Dog said...


Other way around. Nope, the folks can spend the day with my sis, her husband and their demon spawn. I like the dog they've got.


I think every thing should be categorised as:

"Winds, Light to Variable", starting at strength one... Nah, sod that.

Let's go with Sky Belch.

As in "A Force Nine Sky Belch is coming our way! Rivet yourself to concrete and hope for the best!"

At 2:51 pm, Blogger potdoll said...

that's good then. I can stop worrying about her. so what are you going to do? hang out with the celebs?

At 3:37 pm, Blogger Good Dog said...

No, I won't be hanging out with the celebs.

So you can worry about me being on my own instead. ;-)

At 3:56 pm, Blogger potdoll said...

You'd better not be cos I won't like that!


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