Thursday, October 26, 2006

By The Book - The Sequel

An email from the Designated Author arrived this afternoon. Out of contact for a couple of months, it appears she is back over in LA and making mischief from the sound of it.

She updates me on the publication date of the novel, which was supposed to be, well, earlier this month come to think of it, but has now been pushed back to Spring 2007. A few hiccups had occurred on the legal side that could have got ugly but now everything is back on track.

About a week after the book was delivered, back in early March, the Designated Author had a meeting with the publisher on related business. Although it wasn’t immediately mentioned, staffers had dropped hints that he had been really pleased with the material. So much so that as the Designated Author was leaving he suggested a second book.

I knew because a text arrived almost immediately asking me if I wanted to write a second one. Because of the time limit first time out – which meant having to write close to 70,000 words in under three weeks – there were some elements that hadn’t been properly resolved. A follow up could fully address them. It seemed like a good idea. I had agreed on the condition of more time and more money. And a clear indication of when the deadline is. Which seemed fair enough.

Now that everyone is happy and it’s smiles all round, the new plan is to make it a trilogy. Two more books instead of one.

Well, if I have to, I suppose that would be all right.


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